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    Hair Transplant Revision

    Our renowned hair restoration surgeons help people from throughout North America and around the world who come to Rochester for hair transplant revision surgery to correct unsatisfactory results created elsewhere.

    Recovery Time:
    1 Day
    Resume Exercise:
    1 Week
    Noticeable Results:
    6 Months
    Final Results:
    1 Year

    Whether you want to improve bad hair transplant results, visible scarring, or other concerns after a procedure by a less-qualified provider, our double board-certified facial plastic surgeons offer solutions and support. They have specialized expertise developed by performing over 1,200 hair transplant procedures collectively.

    Hair transplant techniques and technology have evolved since the obvious, unnatural-looking “hair plugs,” which involved transplanting 10 to 20 follicles at a time without attention to how hair grows naturally. Dr. Quatela, Dr. Lee, and Dr. Montague use modern techniques to transplant microfollicular units of 1 to 4 hairs harvested with great care and place each graft with precision and artistry. They combine science and aesthetics to transform disappointment into attractive, natural-looking outcomes.


    Hair Plug Repair

    Case: 1 of 3
    Case: 1 of 3
    Before & After Hair Plug Repair Case 1037 View #1 View in Rochester, Buffalo, & Syracuse, NY
    Before & After
    Case: 1 of 2

    Case Details:

    Follicular unit transplantation (FUT). 1200 grafts. Graft placement to fill in "plugs" and repair frontal hairline achieved by old style, large grafts.


    Dr. Vito Quatela

    Procedures Performed:

    Hair Plug Repair


    Before & After Hair Plug Repair Case 1038 View #1 View in Rochester, Buffalo, & Syracuse, NY
    Before & After
    Case: 2 of 2

    Case Details:

    Follicular unit transplantation (FUT). 2988 grafts. Graft placement to hairline and forelock around previous plug grafts.


    Dr. Vito Quatela

    Procedures Performed:

    Hair Plug Repair



    Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

    Benefits of Hair Transplant Revision

    Our experienced hair surgeons use the latest hair transplant techniques to repair a variety of concerns caused by outdated techniques and inexperienced surgeons, including:

    • Large and/or widely spaced hair plugs
    • Unnatural-looking hairline (too low, too linear, etc.)
    • Improperly angled follicles (hairs grow in the wrong direction)
    • Exposure of transplanted follicles due to subsequent thinning
    • Visible scars from FUT, scalp reduction, or other procedures
    • Bald patches from overharvesting

    Candidates for Hair Transplant Revision

    Hair transplant revision can help men and women who meet the following criteria:

    • Unhappy with hair transplant results or have lost hair around transplanted follicles
    • In good health and do not smoke (or are willing to stop before and after surgery)
    • Have a sufficient amount of donor hair for the procedure

    If you are not a good candidate for a revision procedure, our surgeons help you understand how you may become eligible, or they may recommend other corrective procedures to consider.

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    Hair Transplant Repair Techniques

    Hair transplant repair aims to remove and reduce unnaturally large “plugs” and then distribute and orient them as naturally as possible within the limits of the available follicles. All previous grafts are saved and reutilized to allow optimal coverage. In general, our surgeons perform hair transplant repair using follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplant (FUT) along with one or more of the following techniques:

    Graft Camouflage

    Camouflaging is a repair technique in which microfollicular units are strategically placed around existing plugs to make them less detectable. This technique is ideal as a stand-alone for individuals whose previous grafts meet the following criteria:

    • Properly oriented (angled the way hair naturally grows).
    • Not too close to the hairline.
    • Sized in natural groupings of follicles.

    Hair transplants that do not meet these criteria cannot be corrected with camouflage directly. They often require removal, reduction, and redistribution of problem grafts before camouflaging them.

    Hair Plug Reduction

    Plug reduction involves removing grafts too large to camouflage and dissecting them into natural groupings of 1 to 4 hairs, called follicular units. The surgeon removes the problem plugs with a round punch instrument equal to or slightly smaller than the instrument used to create the plugs. Sometimes, a part of the plug is left in the scalp to create a smaller, more natural-looking hair graft. The surgeon closes any visible holes left from removing the problem grafts with sutures to avoid noticeable circular scars.

    Hair Plug Recycling

    Hair plug recycling involves transplanting micro follicles created with hair plug reduction to improve previous results. When camouflaging, we place larger follicular units (3 and 4 hairs) directly adjacent to the plugs and in any gaps between existing plugs. We place the single units at the front of the hairline with 2- and 3-hair units closely behind. The success of the transplant will depend significantly on the placement and condition of the previous plugs and the availability of sufficient donor hair.

    Combined Repair

    The combined technique involves removing large grafts, reducing them into natural follicular units, and implanting them together with new follicles harvested with FUE or FUT. These procedures are often performed in stages over time to allow healing and hair growth.

    How Much Does Hair Transplant Revision Cost in Rochester, NY?

    The cost of a revision procedure varies widely with several factors, including the size of the area that needs revising and whether new grafts are required. We will quote a specific estimated price at your consultation.

    A Reputation Built on Results

    Four months ago, I underwent a hair transplant at Quatela. I am extremely satisfied with the outcome. The staff, particularly Stacie, at Quatela is exceptional and made my experience very enjoyable. If you are considering any hair procedure, I highly recommend contacting Quatela for a consultation.
    Life changing - I would never consider going anywhere else I had a neck lift on May 1st. I reviewed Dr. Quatela extensively, because let's face it, your face is the first thing people see. The staff was phenomenal. Dr. Q is soft spoken, sweet, and he KNOWS what he's doing. I would never consider going anywhere else. I look in the mirror now, and I'm happy and grateful. It changed my life!
    Life changing - I would never consider going anywhere else I had a neck lift on May 1st. I reviewed Dr. Quatela extensively, because let's face it, your face is the first thing people see. The staff was phenomenal. Dr. Q is soft spoken, sweet, and he KNOWS what he's doing. I would never consider going anywhere else. I look in the mirror now, and I'm happy and grateful. It changed my life! I had a...
    Fantastic result - I feel so much better now Dr Quatela was amazing, kind, thorough and overall excellent at what he does. I wouldn't let anyone touch my eyes but Dr Quatela and his team . His reputation is stellar and I also have friends who are prior clients / patients who also had great results. I no longer look as tired. I inherited the hooded eyes from my mom and I feel so much better now.

    Hair Transplant Revision FAQ

    Why is revision hair restoration more challenging than the first time around?

    Revision procedures involve working with the altered “geography” of the scalp, such as scar tissue and inappropriately sized and orientated grafts. Because of this added complexity, these procedures can take longer to complete than primary hair restoration.

    What is recovery like after hair transplant revision?

    In general, recovery will be similar to the initial FUE or FUT surgery.

    Will everyone know?

    While poor hair transplant results are difficult to conceal, our surgeons understand the science and artistry involved in producing attractive, natural-looking results for each patient’s hair and stage of aging. They have experience placing grafts conservatively when the supply is limited and adding density where it matters most.

    I’m coming to Rochester from out of the area. How long should I plan to stay after my surgery?

    We usually have hair restoration patients stay overnight in Rochester, New York. After that, it’s safe to fly or travel long distances. Patients may choose to stay in the Carriage House, our private, onsite recovery suite adjacent to the Lindsay House. We also have secured special rates with premier hotels close to our facility.

    International Destination

    Concierge Program for Out-of-Town Patients

    With decades of experience serving national and international clients, we have streamlined the travel process for our out-of-town patients. Our proximity to an international airport, discreet onsite and offsite accommodations, and concierge offerings ensure your experience with us will be stress-free and rewarding.

    Explore Our Travel Program

    You don’t need to suffer the embarrassment of plugs any longer. To explore your repair options and see how easily your confidence can be restored, request your consultation online or call the Quatela Center for Hair Restoration in Rochester, NY, to schedule an appointment.
